the JagaraCompany.Com-Online Literaries  
  Poems 03/07/2025 2:37am (UTC)

The Hardships of Deciding


O how hard is it to decide,

when your fate needs to be defined;

Which will have you at the best you'd be

or will chase you to the worst abyss?


O how unlucky you are

that two roads can never be crossed at a par;

Thus only one should lead you to contentedness,

while the other, into ruefulness.


How you wish you could just foresee

how your choices are doomed to be;

Thus to make deciding be an easy way,

and the constraints gone out your way.


The only answer would seem to be made

follow your heart, your mind will then obey;

Decision will later go after your desire

Sooner than later, you'll find yourself happy and satisfied.

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