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  Novel Summaries 03/07/2025 3:07am (UTC)

Broken Vow   
(novel/love story/drama/tragedy)
  The story begins when Andre met Maya in an inn somewhere in Baguio caretaked by Aling Sel, the mother of Maya.  Andre and his yaya Melai stayed in the inn for a short vacation in Baguio as its still vacation time for students.  As days goes by, a friendship was formed between the two of them.  Because of the this, Andre decided to study there in Baguio where he will be with Maya as classmates.  From then on, Andre and Maya should become bestfriends.
   But not untilwhen they graduate in elementary.  When Andre's mother Charisse got in Baguio, she found her former bestfriend Sel, which happened to be Maya's mother.  Because of their bitter past relationship as bestfriend because of jealousy and lust,they become mortal enemies.   This makes Maya and Andre set-apart.  Bute even with that case, they're still trying to cope up with each other by sending letters.  Without their knowledge, this letters never came to each of them, that's why they were able to think that they have forgottened each other.
   Until they have found their new friends in their highschool days.  Maya, in Baguio found Marco, a typical boy who will befriend with Maya because they ought many similar problems.  Maya then found a new Andre in her life.
   Andre, on the other hand, met again her childhood friend in Manila, Dianne.  Their mothers are business partners, that's why they too become friends.  But Andre and Dianne have a different case with that of Maya and Marco.  Andre can't still move on with his former friendship that's why their friendship is not quite good.  But Dianne is still just taking her friends nostalgia, even though she's not the one Andre want to have.
   Until the day comes when a letter surprisingly came to Andre, saying that it 'came' from Maya.  But the letter disappoints Andre, making him depressed.  It says that Maya is breaking off their freindship already.  That she had already forgotten him, and found a new friend that she's more happy to be with. 
   This brought Andre to commotion, and tried to run to Baguio even that he's prohibited to go there and always assisted by bodyguards.  Andre was paralyzed and worst, lost his memory.  Is the letter sent to him true, or just came from 'evil ghosts' who wants to set them apart?
   Meanwhile in Baguio, Maya is happy even though she's still thinking of his former bestfriend.  She still continue sending letters though not receiving from him.  Later on, Marco is falling in love with Maya, but afraid to tell his feelings.
   Andre's tragedy leads Dianne to please Charisse let them go to Baguio.  The latter then agreed, because of the knowledge that Andre won't be able to seek for Maya because of amnesia.  They were with Melai, guarding the two in Baguio.  And she is the only one who knows the friendship that was formed by Andre and Maya.  But Charisse strictly commanded her not to meet the two, the thing that the former don't want to happen. 
   But these will be broken.  Without the knowledge of Andre's 'guardians', he will meet Maya, but of course unknown to both of them because of obvious reasons.  They will be meeting frequently unconscious to all people around them, and will later fall in love with each other.   
   This makes Marco to be hurt, as he can never be entertained by Maya to be woed.  He will be meeting Dianne in a hospital, he because of her mother's sickness and she because of a serious sickness. Dianne won't tell nobody about this, bit except Marco as he will be her crying shoulder.  Good for Marco as he has also a serious problem with his love.  They also meet without the knowledges of their colleagues.
    Until finally, Dianne would be able to know the 'truth behind all truths'.  Melai, the only person besides Charisse who knows all the truth about Maya and Andre, finally confessed to Dianne all that she knows.  This leads to to the latter's confession to the old friends what she really knows about them.
    Dianne's confession caused her so much pain.  She and Marco shared this problems in a hotel.  And this was also the time when another tragedy happens.  Dianne died because of her cancer that limits her stay in earth, and only Marco was the one to know (read the short story that came from this scene "Love Until the End").  This also caused the tragic Marco's death when he is riding in an airplane, and caused everybody pain. 
    Because of all these happenings, confrontations just begun.  Until every truths and lies was untold.  A tragic history was repeated.  Andre's depression because of this events leads him to another tragedy, again when his car crashed as he is riding.   These accident turned everybody rightly, and his lost memory came back to him.  And all have given their apologies and forgiveness.  All's well that ends well for everybody, as Andre and Maya's love continues their journey well.


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